Environmental sensors
Environmental sensors combined with AKVA connect will monitor and secure the stability in your system. The data can be viewed in real-time or logged for later analysis.
Environmental sensors combined with AKVA connect will monitor and secure the stability in your system. The data can be viewed in real-time or logged for later analysis.
Feed accounts for 60-90 percent of the production cost in most fish farming today. That makes every pellet count when it comes to financial results.
To know the environmental data, such as temperature, oxygen, salinity, pH and current speed and direction, is important for making the correct farming decisions. Environmental sensors combined with the AKVA connect software will monitor and secure the stability of your system. The data can be viewed in real-time or logged for later analysis. The software can also be set to automatically control the feeding based on these parameters.
Insight into real-time environmental factors ensures correct farming decisions. Make informed decisions based on real-time data and analysis of data logged through monitoring. AKVA group offers a wide range of sensors and network solutions so you can get all the insight you need to make sure your operation is performing as intended.
Full control of the environmental data will ensure correct farming decisions.
Oxygen data is an important factor for growth and fish health.
Temperature is the foundation for all feeding regimes and growth models.
The current sensor system will prevent feed waste caused by tidal current pushing pellets out of the pen.
Environmental sensors combined with the AKVA connect software will monitor and secure the stability in your system.
Make a smart investment - environmental sensors will ensure efficient feeding.