Back in 2012 AKVA group delivered a salmon hatchery and start-feeding system based on recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) technology to secure the production of healthy and strong juveniles for Petuna´s salmon production at sea. This first project included two hatcheries and one first feeding system. Each hatchery is designed for a capacity of 2 million eyed eggs that can be kept at two different temperatures to optimize production conditions. Additionally, the first feeding system has a capacity of 1.600.000 fish of 5 grams distributed across 8 fish tanks with a volume of 25 m3 each. The daily peak feeding capacity is 300 kg of high-protein fry feed.      

Just one year later in 2013, AKVA group signed a contract for an extension of the RAS facilities already delivered. The Cressy II project added a Smolt RAS consisting of 8 fish tanks each of 300 m3 to reach 2400 m3 in total. The feeding capacity designed for 2400 kg/day to feed a maximum standing stock of 1.5 million smolt at 100 gram, equivalent to 150 tons of fish biomass in the system at any time. The project was fully commissioned the year after in 2014. At the same time, AKVA group delivered and installed a fully automated feeding system for the complete RAS facility.  

The latest delivery, Petuna Cressy III, was commissioned in 2023 to increase the number and size of smolts to secure a continuous growth in volume of the large market-size salmon produced at sea. A RAS with a capacity of 1 million smolts at 150 grams produced in 3 batches per year will deliver a total amount of up to 3 million smolts per year. The feeding capacity at maximum loading peaks a 2250 kg per day with a feed conversion rate anticipated to be lower than 0,9. The RAS consists of 8 tanks of 300 m3 each reaching a total tank volume of 2400 m3 per system.  

Watch the video about the project. 

At the heart of all systems lay the implementation of an RAS with the denitrification loop for the zero water concept (ZWC) and wastewater treatment (WWT). A proof of Petuna´s environmentally conscious aquaculture practices and a statement of AKVA group's technological abilities. 

In addition, AKVA group delivered a modification to the existing feeding system enabling it to seamlessly integrate with all RAS´ installed. This improvement allows Petuna to overview and manage all feeding procedures for the entire smolt production. 

We are humble and honored that Petuna has chosen the expertise of AKVA group three times in a row. Thank you!