We often welcome guests at our office at Bryne, but this is the first time we have had the pleasure of welcoming the Bishop!
Acting Bishop in Stavanger, Anne Lise Ådnøy (no. 2 from right), got a tour of AKVA group's facilities at Bryne together with Advisor Cecilie Bakkene Pedersen, Head of the Church on Jæren, Kjell Børge Tjemsland, and Parish Priest in Time municipality, Stein Ødegård. AKVA group's Production Manager, Kjell-Einar Pollestad, Quality Manager Oddgeir Drøpping (back) and Operations Manager Ola Hausken.
In week 48, Acting Bishop in Stavanger, Anne Lise Ådnøy, was on visitation in the municipality of Time. Once in every eight years, the bishop will pay a formal visit to each church/parish of the diocese.
“The visitation is an excellent opportunity for the bishop to see with her own eyes what is happening in the church. One of the things we want to learn, is what people live by. AKVA group plays a vital part as a key enterprise in Time,” said the bishop, who was very interested in learning about the company and the industry AKVA group is a part of.
The visit included both a presentation and small tour of the office, where some of the technology that AKVA group deliver is on display.