"The industry has generally had a good turnover in recent years, and it is important that we as industry players use some of these resources on sustainability," says Tom Jarle Bjørkly, General Manager of Mortenlaks. The company has invested in AKVA Hybrid to improve its environmental footprint.
Mortenlaks is a small player with two licenses in the municipality of Lødingen, just east of Lofoten in Northern Norway.
"We are a small player, but if we can lead by example and get others to follow it will only do good for the globe and for a more sustainable industry," Bjørkly says.
He decided to invest in green in the fall of 2019, installed the AKVA Hybrid battery pack for the feed barge at Christmas 2019, and has been running on electricity since January.
"The most obvious effect is how the working environment changes radically from the moment the battery pack is put into operation. Noise and vibrations are almost completely gone, and the soot problem is gone forever. There will be less noise and better conditions on the barge, and not least at the nearby residential and cabin areas. It is important for me that people around us are not affected," says Bjørkly.
Challenging 2019
Mortenlaks have to progress slowly. 2019 was challenging with algae problems and the small player was set far back. Nevertheless, Bjørkly has few qualms about investing in battery packs.
"The math easily made sense. The costs will be obtained in 1 - 1.5 generation of fish with money saved going forward. Fuel consumption is reduced to a fraction from day one, and as a result, the cost of shipping diesel will also decline drastically. Another factor is that the generator lasts for the lifetime of the feed barge and don´t need to be replaced every five years as traditional generators. The combination of sustainability and price is unbeatable - it is a race we are committed to taking part in,” Bjørkly says.
Mortenlaks is also a member and shareholder in Salmon Group, which has a focus on sustainability.
"It feels right to contribute to reduced CO2 emissions as an important part of a sustainability strategy," says Bjørkly. He is also chairman in Salmon Group. Bjørkly has great faith in a future on electricity.
"The barge is fully automated and doesn´t need inspections beyond oil changes up to twice a year. At a conventional fish farm this must be done every month. The next step is to electrify the work boats," he says.
Facts AKVA Hybrid
A complete hybrid package from AKVA group based on the same technology you will find in electric vehicles from e.g. Audi, BMW and Volkswagen, among others. Provides up to 95 per cent reduced diesel consumption in feeding and up to 60 per cent reduced total diesel consumption including barge.
Facts Mortenlaks
- Two licenses
- Produces 2300-2500 tonnes per year
- Located in Lødingen municipality in Nordland, Northern Norway
- 11 employees
- Member / shareholder in Salmon Group