Web-based log for nets, sertificates and reports and is a webbased log of history ,checklists and documentation of fish farming nets and mooring.
Web-based log for nets, sertificates and reports and is a webbased log of history ,checklists and documentation of fish farming nets and mooring.
With this tool fish farmers have full control of their locations and status of the technical equipment.
By internal and external audits this tool is used to present construction certificates, drawings and documentation for components in the entire system.
Contact us:
Service Manager
Mob: +47 990 92 030
AKVA group invests major resources in product development and testing of models in cooperation with our customers.
A test tank belonging to SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture is often used in order to improve our knowledge about various designs. The test tank allows simulation of various currents and wave conditions.
Net in 0.5 knot current.
Net in 1.0 knot current.
Net in 1.5 knot current.
Testing of materials
Our laboratory is equipped with advanced technological equipment for verifying the characteristics of ropes and other materials. All components are carefully tested and documented before being implemented in any of our products.
New models are carefully documented under various conditions in a flume tank by SINTEF in Denmark.
Detailed small-scale models of net designs are used for testing.
The test tank is also used in cooperation with customers in order to solve challenges related to local operation and the preparation of new working procedures.
A 3D illustration of a new tubenet concept.